
Anna Hoover - San Francisco, USA

Meeleng’s art is vibrant, beautiful, full of love and compassion; a pure reflection of her love of life and animals. With her remarkable abilities to paint she portrays clear human emotions in the figures of her animals, reminding us of the importance of love and interpersonal and even intimate 
Through her rich color palettes, vivid 
expressions and teasingly fun details,
we experience her form with pure enjoyment.   

Ivy Wee - Perth , Australia

"I am Ivy Wee and as owner of 4 of Mee Lengs's paintings hanging in my house and my son's house, you will know
how much I admire and respect this painter. All 4 paintings are hung in the most important place of our houses - the Living Room.  Everyone who visited us would ask us about Mee Leng's paintings.  Mee Leng's paintings evoke a feeling of peace, tranquility and serenity.  Mee Leng's artistic flair and goodness of her character are reflected in all her paintings.  She is very good in co-ordinating colours and textures.  I love her paintings. The recent ones (Rabbits) surely are collector's items".


Hi Meeleng,
I am really happy that your beautiful pictures are hanging in my living room.
Like music, art is a powerful medium of expression, depending on the subject and style. 
Whenever I look at your paintings of flowers in the shower, I feel refreshed and happy. Happy because of yellow colour, refreshed because like the sound of water which is also soothing and relaxing to me.

Jeannie Rorvik - San Francisco, USA


I have know Mee Leng for several years and have watched her art manifest into works of great beauty.
I only wish I wan’t on the other side of the world so as to miss it! I have two of Mee Leng’s Bunny water colors which I love.
Her use of color and the delicacy of her strokes give me a serene peaceful feeling. They seem to eminate Love and partnership and each painting has a life of its own.

Her “Good Heart semi Abstract" series are especially beautiful. Again her use of color is so soothing to the viewer. 
They captivate me and immerse me with great feelings of love and friendship, making me thirst for more.

You are very fortunate to have this artist share in your exhibit.
All the Best,
Jeannie Rorvik

George King - Singapore

A viewing delight. The collection is notable for colours' lightness and hue, the imagery and animation of the figures - an intimate brush with the artists' souls.  The abstracts project elegance and wit, great sensitivity and warmth. Subtlety of tone does not mask the lilt and perception they project, a diffusion of light in a soft ambiance. The view is drawn ineluctably to the core meaning infused by drawers' hands.

Lub Lub -  Vancouver, Canada

"I enjoy art which makes me feel warm and at peace, and this is how I feel when I look at Meeleng's rabbits and animal pieces depicted with human emotions without any words."
Meeleng's art themes and motivation involving
 " love"and "bonding" will never grow old, so
 I believe her pursuit in this direction for art
 will resonate with a lot of people. One of her
 painting of rabbits- I like how the rabbits in both are looking at different directions, but still show the bonding and togetherness of the pair.

Julie Maynard -  France. Singapore

Meeleng's painting touch me deeply. For me, they reflect the special features we ideally wish for in relationship...Love obviously , physical and spiritual warm, genuine care for one another, and unconditional support.

Gracefully, Meeleng manages to express the peace and serenity characterizing the balance found between two entities who manage not to lost the own identities in couple.The peaceful aura is soothing and inspiring. The colors, sometimes soft, sometimes vibrant,make her creations sparkle with life and benevolence.

Lynne Vey-  Australia

Hi Mee Leng
I love the inspirational nature of your work. It truly shows that no matter how much one can lose that you can always come back with Love. I saw a sign in a shop the other day and it said "the greatest outfit you can wear is a smile" (or something like that). 

Your work reminds me of how Beatrix Potter created her Peter Rabbit series with the animation and colour that you bring to your work. It is so inspiring and I am going to put it on my desktop so I can look at it every day as I resume work today. I still love teaching and I am going to take strength from your work.

Allison Kowaleski-  Sacramento, USA

The picture you made for me is so amazing and I get compliments on it frequently.
Aaron was nice enough to frame it for me at a local store and hang it up in our 
living room. From the second I opened the painting I knew it needed to be 
displayed in our main room. 
You captured something I didn't know others saw in me, strength. 
You made me realize that others see me as a strong person who pushes through
this crazy journey of mine; I never knew that, I figured people just saw me as 
weak and a complainer. Now everyday when I see the painting in the living room
I feel hopeful and like I can keep fighting. 
There is something about the picture that actually gives me strength to keep 
going. I've had many set backs, more things diagnosed and after the last Mayo 
trip with my new diagnosis of mastocytosis I felt hopeless and like giving up.
It is just so frustrating that doctors can keep finding diseases to diagnosis me 
with and treat me for. 
I have days where I feel down and like nobody understands what I'm going
 through, until I look at what's hanging on my wall. It inspires me to push, 
keep going and remember that I am strong. Thank you again for the painting! 
My home nurse loves it, she stared at it for awhile when she first saw it because
she was so intrigued. 

Pamela -  Singapore

Meeleng’s drawings are generally colourful, vibrant and full of life.
However, it’s the way she conveys,through her drawings, a sense of peace 
and tranquility plus devotion and love for her “child” that makes
owning a piece of her drawings meaningful. Can’t wait to see more of her
good art pieces...
Amongst Meeleng’s work, I particularly like the five drawings of the In Shell-
Peace and Calm Series that she created in 2016.
The drawings of Mama Bunny (in humanly body form) resting comfortably within
 the Shell depict great sense of serenity , calmness and security which most, if not 
all, earthly living forms yearn for. 
The Shell  symbolizes a roof over us- offers shelter, safety and protection parallels our 
human basic needs.
Additionally, Meeleng’s inclusion of the lotus flower in her paintings may symbolise longing
 for spiritual(inner) peace, compassion for others and purity.

Three of the five drawings in this series has Mama Bunny accompanied by a carefree and
innocent little bunny. I like that Mama Bunny is still able to enjoy the tranquility of her
surroundings and enjoying moments of her motherhood, reaching out to, and nurturing 
her child. Peace and calm embrace them.

Thank you, Meeleng for bringing your meaningful art into our life. 
Pamela- StarHealth Pte Ltd.

Alanah Murray -  Singapore /Australia

I'd met Mee Leng through a mutual friend and received a delightful picture via 
email of a girl chasing a rabbit. I told Mee Leng that I was instantly transported
to my childhood in Hobart, when my sister and I would sit at the kitchen table 
and spend Sunday afternoons with Hobbytex paints and paper, lost in creativity and 
Mostly, it gave me a sense of joy in simplicity. I've since seen several of her other pieces and 
particularly like the muscularity of the horses amid an  explosion of colour. I think of the 
word "vivacious", and that's what I feel in her colourful paintings. Meeleng, 
I love your artwork.

Sharyne Mullens -  New Zealand

Hi Mee Leng, I looked at the link for your artwork OMG this series is adorable, your description and images are inspiring, they definitely bring out the mummy love in me! 


Unknown said…
I knew Mee Ling since she was 16, we attended the same Secondary school.Even at that age, she was crazy about painting and drawing. Her recent master pieces reflect her creativity and talent even more.

Her recentpainting style is the mixture of Chinese and abstract form.I find them very delighted, cheeky and colourful. They would bighten up any wall.

Mee Ling, congratulation for your success and thank you for making our life more beautiful.

Love, KP

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