I am very inspired by the stories or movies I enjoyed with my son when he was very young. We listened to every story, from Black Beauty, Seabiscuit , Spirit of Cimarron to War Horse. We enjoyed every movie and listened to every movie theme songs.
Spirit of Cimarron songs was our waking up music for my son school when he was just 8 years old. We rushed thru the crazy morning chores prepared for school, yet our heart and mind dance to the music of Spirit of Cimarron. The stallion spirit be our strength for years , keeping us strongly bonded.
In year 2008, I was into managing an art gallery business and met an impressive artist , Mr Qi Hong from China. His abstract horses amazes me, empowered me to fantasize my art into the next level of imagination. Certainly I am empowered by Bryan Adam songs, to capture the spirit of these wild horses into my new series of art themed upon semi-abstract horses.
I am all out for " Protect our horses, give them the power to live their carefree life in the wild land they belong ."
Wild horses are beautiful, they are wild, their emotion are strong, their stare penetrate your heart and mind... asking you to Protect them. Free them . Let them be in the wild forest, feel the wind, feed on the fresh grasses, kill thirst at the river water, refresh at the waterfall... and fall in love madly with their love ones, gallop far out there, just be the Wild Horse I love them to be. Be with me to free the horses.
Play it just for me
As the seasons change
Remember how I used to be
Now I can't go on
I can't even start
I've got nothing left
Just an empty heart
I'm a soldier wounded
So I must give up the fight
There's nothing more for me
Lead me away... or leave me lying here
Sound the bugle now
Tell them I don't care
There's not a road I know
That leads to anywhere
Without a light, I fear that I will
Stumble in the dark
Lay right down, decide not to go on
Then from on high
Somewhere in the distance
There's a voice that calls
Remember who you are
If you lose yourself
Your courage soon will follow
Marching On
"Marching On " is about the determination of the solo wild horse go forward, irregardless what is ahead She hold the strong emotion of a wild horse, that has strong desire to accomplish her mission.
She see her reflection with motivation of her determination . Encourage her to march on.
Her body is decorated with colorful flowers bring her the brightness in life, In the brightness of color, she feel the hope she will win her race.
The outlook of a person indirectly complement to the energy within.
Like the Wild horse, she maybe rough in outlook, but she dressed to the occasions of positiveness in life. In that we must often dressed ourselves well daily, to inspire ourselves to achieve every task on hand.
Wild Horses, Wild Emotion Wild Horses , Wild Emotion is about the love of two wild horses at Nova Scotia. The ship wrecked, and all the horses on board were thrown to the wild sea. These pair of horses survived and swam to the shore of Nova Scotia.
They fall in love , and love wildly in the bare sand and grass land. Their hair unbrushed, their skin bared to the hot sun and cold wind. Yet, their inner heart grow with genuine love of life, love of being with their love ones. They love better than any other horses that owned by a wealthy master .
 | Strength Upon Strength
Strength upon Strength is the first of a series of black and white animal art. It is captured and delivered in Chinese Ink on rice paper.of the angelica horse , in motion of jumping over a hurdle.
This is especially done for Allison , with choices of color with a message,
subject matter with a message and flow of the brushes depict a feeling. Black and white is choice of color, as in time if any illness, we must live above the gray line. We will have to choose between Black or White, we want to see. In reality, aside denial of the real illness, we seek the proper treatment ahead of time. This empower the art owner to always live in reality.
Living in reality can be hard, as human has their fragile feeling at times. I enlightened the small color of red and gold to showered into the horse and the rider to portray to the viewer /owner, that there is always Joy and Light we must see when we beat the illness. The horse is jumping above a hurdle, to overcome the barrier. Her eyes has a tint of Blue, to portray her emotion is about love for life. Her rider hold him tight, and enjoy the jump, a euphoria moment within her heart. Exactly like when a patient overcome a long journey in diagnosis or treatment. She or he feel this Euphoria within.
 | Race for a portrait - Is about the abstractness in our feeling when we rise to the facial expression when we are about to have a portrait to be taken. How long can we hold that smile, how alert can be our eyes contact to the painter?
Uncertainty of face emotion is reality in life.
Once the camera click in the modern world, the emotion is captured. The big smile or the dull self.
These wild horses are so eager to express themselves in rainbow colors, to tell the world, life is more than just your self expression. It is more meaningful to portrait out the collective expression in life, and bring harmony and unity to life, reinforce the love for life and people.
 | Horses Bailando
| Horses Bailando
Chinese Ink on rice paper in a brush of the emotion, the horses dancing in Spanish move.
The emotion of the painting was inspired by the song Bailando. The horses are all in highest emotion and energy to dance .... And sing along : " I look at you and it feels like paradise" You got me spinning, got me crazy , got me hypnotized ,,,and my heart beat fast.... " I am in love and the night don't stop " | Horses Bailando Full image.
 | Moment of Reflection |
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Moment of Reflection is crafted on a mixed media concept. On a canvas, with the rice paper print of color imprinted on, to create the lightness of the feeling, for viewer to meditate on.
As a horse, my life is to be free or to be owned by a master. I choose to be on the wild land, and live wildly in love with myself and be able to love my surrounding nature.
In my waking moment, I see the sunlight shine into the forest, rays of lights keep me going, with a heart desiring for love, honesty, and freedom to gallop freely.
When my energy is low, I will be by the side of a lake, and dip my head on the surface of the clear water to have a reflection of my day. In clear crystal water, I see my silhouette of my face. I yearn to look as pretty as I could, as alive as I feel in my heart. I know I am a horse in reflection, rather than the lotus lilies bloom next to me. I choose to see my true reflection, and closed my eyes. "I am a horse " simplicity into my mind, and flow to my heart. Yes, I am a horse. I am happy for who I am as a horse with freedom to gallop in the forest.
In life, as human, we must take the moment to look into the reflection bravely and take changes in life,for better or worst. Flow with our heart and our mind, to the next paradise. The paradise we define as the " moment of joy" we truthfully feel in our heart. Taking the courage of the horse into our mind.
 | "How far we can go " in the tint of pink

As the horses dance along , the night is long. The spell of pink love melt in , ohhh..ohh...oohh....ooh...... free my soul.
Let me feel the pink color on my cheek...as the dance test on how far we can go.
The rest is imagination !
 | Imagination of a Kiss
Imagination of a Kiss
Chinese Ink in abstractness of a wild horse in rice paper.
He is imagining a kiss, lovingly connecting to his dream horse. Living in a world of imagination, he see his lady horse, not obvious in this art. Leave to viewer imagination.
He is so handsomely portrayed in color of a strong horse , with blue crystals cast upon his body. Prince of the night.
Imagination are powerful , keep us all going to the direction of achieving our dreams to the unknown.

The Wild Horses Spiral
Oil and Acrylic, mixed with Chinese Ink outlined the horses that race in a spiral movement.
In the busy of the race, the horses do halt for a loving connection, in the imagination of how the message of love is transmitted.
Their legs are wildly galloping, with the energy of a race to the unknown. In mind they all know is to see the sunrise or the full moon of the day. Viewer see the abstract of the movement of horses. In moment of clarity, they see they need to stop from busy of the day, and connect to their love one. The race will never end. But the love will continue. In a special night, the love pair will see the full moon shining bright.
This is where I belong.
 Painter- MeeLeng Claxton Abstract Horses at Waterfall. 2015
Across the plain, we gallop together Distance far, we hear the waterfall Calling for us, the gallop heroes of the earth Over the mountains and valleys We keep pushing on Here we are together, Wind brushing on our wild long hairs Wild horses we are, embraced with strength Water falls on our face, the paradise we yearn to be. Waterfall, here we belong.